Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Brief Introduction

It's rather late and so my first entry will be short. I guess my purpose in making this blog is to share my experiences, since I've so often made myself a "guinea pig" in health and such, and viewpoints with whoever would like to listen. I have a lot going on in this head of mine and I figured I may as well share.

I've been Raw Vegan for three years, vegan for 5 years, a health enthusiast forever and I'm 20 years old. Recently, I've experimented with adding in VERY small amounts of raw animal products *gasp* which was difficult at first, being a vegan foremost for ethical reasons. However, I only get the highest quality, local, sustainable animal products and I suppose that is more ecological and ethical than eating 30 imported bananas. I was Low fat raw vegan HARD CORE. And I still kind of am. I'm lingering back and forth. But I think it's time to let go of dogma and follow my intuition since I'm not doing so well. It's time to further my experimentation toward discovering the optimal human diet. How am I seeking to discover this? Self experimentation and tons of research. One thing I can say is that although fruit is my absolute favorite food and I believe we are designed to eat it, our digestive systems do differ from those of chimps and other apes in an important way (more on this in my next post!).

So this blog will focus on my experiences and research in diet, lifestyle, physical activity, travel experiences, recipes, arts, etc. because heath isn't only about what we eat :)

And I want to end my first entry with something I have come to learn.
Following an externally imposed set of "rules" endorsed by a doctrine that hasn't really been proven, but is rather preached by certain people, really only disables us. We must keep our minds open, we must keep an objective outlook, else we will be crippled. We learn to see through the lens of the filters set by dogmatic beliefs and then we can no longer make our own decisions. Beware of slogans and repetition. That one person or one faith or whatever it is any one of us might be following to the tee may not really have it right....and you may suffer because of it. We don't want to be controlled like mindless bodies. Let's keep our minds open, let's lift the veils, let us see clearly and learn to follow our intuition and our own evidential findings.

love and bliss
xo Ferrah

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